Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. – Will Rogers

We live in a fast-paced, act now, culture. Everything from our iPhone to our television seems to update to the next version overnight automatically. Our car audio systems update in our garages; the way we share information changes all the time.

From education to medicine, you better embrace the mindset of continuous improvement. If you aren’t getting better, others are passing you by daily.

Take time to celebrate victories, learn from failures, and reflect on events. We learn through our experiences. While you discover, keep moving. Even on the right track, you need to embrace the commitment to growth.

Simply creating a vision is not enough: you must communicate it with passion and conviction.

Simply creating a vision is not enough: you must communicate it with passion and conviction. – Disney Institute

Decades ago, a motivations speaker made the statement, “your best thoughts go down the shower drain each morning.” His premise was that when we have time alone to think, we have breakthrough ideas. Too often, we don’t do anything with great ideas; the thoughts go down the drain.

Having a great idea isn’t enough. The great idea must spark action – an action that requires cultivation and development. The best ideas have teams working with refinement and development.

Don’t let your great potential ideas go down the drain. Communicate them – share your passion with the team. Not every thought leads to a vision that leads to action. Some ideas are only ideas, and that’s OK. Unrealized ideas often lead to future iterations. Keep dreaming!