As you pursue a dream, the person you become is more important than what you achieve.

As you pursue a dream, the person you become is more important than what you achieve.  – Jon Gordon


Where you are going is more important than where you are now.  We are all on a journey . . . life is a journey.  Each day is an opportunity to improve and take a step towards your goals.


Our dreams, our personal vision, continue to evolve.  This is our growth mindset.  The journey is what shapes us . . . the experiences of each day make each of us who we are.


Are you learning each day or are you living life with blinders on?  Live a life filled with dreams with a growth mindset desire to learn on the journey.

If leaders want people to try new things, they have to openly show that they are willing to do the same.

If leaders want people to try new things, they have to openly show that they are willing to do the same.  – George Couros


Leaders model the behavior that they expect from those within the organization.  The behavior of the leader is the driver for the culture.  It isn’t what the leader says, blogs, or posts . . . it is what the leader does.  “Do as I say, not as I do” is unacceptable and ineffective.


If a leader wants innovation, the leader must be innovative.  If the leader utilizes “command and control” then those in the organization will lead using the modeled behavior.


Each of us is a leader . . . how do your actions model your expectations?  Is your behavior aligned with you words?